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June 23rd, 2005
Tracy Bonham - (Universal)
Blink the Brightest
Shannon Beahan

For the grab-your-best-girlfriend, take-a-drive-in-your-car approach to nursing a broken heart, I recommend Blink the Brightest. Tracy Bonham's brand of self pity comes complete with tough girl resilience so effective that few women and soft-bellied boys will fail to find solace. Hackneyed observations like "It's not whether you fall, it's whether you get up," likely won't catalyze your next emotional growth spurt, but soulful vocals convincingly convey enough genuine experience to remind you you're not alone. Bonham's album, co-produced with Greg Collins (U2, No Doubt, Matchbox 20), follows the same alterna-pop formula you might expect. Don't fault her though; even without a tonne of inventiveness, I'm convinced she understands me better than my last boyfriend ever did.


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Bonham resurrects  
I thought Tracey Bonham was said and done after her mega hit Mother Mother many yars ago does she come back with an album which manages to sway our Hour critique. I say good for her and welcome back Tracey. It was infectious back then and I am sure the new album will be every bit as entertaining .

Ronny Pangia

June 23rd, 2005

As long as it's not  
As long as it's as not as acidic as Ani DiFranco. I can only stomach so much bile. Hey this alterna-pop thing seems to be working for a number of newer acts. So if "punks not dead yet", then this sort of styling can make messages less marginal.

Skeleton James

June 23rd, 2005

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