Tracy Bonham Web Directory

About This Site


In an effort to promote the musical artist, Tracy Bonham, and to make information about her on the Internet easier to find, I have created the Tracy Bonham Web Directory (formerly The Tracy Bonham Index). The goal is for this website to be a comprehensive web directory for all Internet websites that contain significant information about Tracy Bonham. The links to other websites are categorized to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

Although I am a big fan of Tracy Bonham's, this website is not a typical "fan site". I have tried to be objective in selecting the contents, by providing links to all pages that contain significant information, regardless of whether that information has a positive or negative slant. I have emphasized Tracy's official website,, as the first source of information, where appropriate.


December 14, 2000

The website was originally launched as the Tracy Bonham Index.


The “Ultimate Discography” was created and added to the website.

Summer 2003

The entire website was rearranged and streamlined, and the Discography was updated and reorganized.  Pages of the website that listed Video Clips, Videos, Reviews, Music Clips, and Lyrics were merged into the discography. Other pages were deleted:  Chat (there are no chat sites available), Official Sites (replaced by the Associated Artists page), Concert Articles/Reviews/Set Lists and Concert Dates (replaced by Concerts page), Links (merged with the Fan Sites page), and Interviews (merged with the Articles page).

October 9, 2003

The newly redesigned and renamed Tracy Bonham Web Directory was released.

December 2007

The entire website was streamlined once more:

Ø       Most of the categorized links were moved to a single page; the categorized links will now be updated “by request” only;

Ø       The Discography page contents were moved to the home page; the Discography will be the only section updated regularly;

Ø       The Latest News section on the home page was removed in favor of links to better sources for “the latest news”.

Ø       The About this Site and Legal Information pages were merged into this page.


New links are denoted by the NEW icon. This icon will be removed the next time more than one newer links are added to that particular page in that particular section.


Your comments, additions and corrections are always welcome (press the Contact Us link on the home page to send me e-mail).

Larry Blumenthal (aka David Blue),




Legal Information


The online presence of the Tracy Bonham Web Directory (formerly The Tracy Bonham Index) at, and its past and present aliases (including,, and and all the materials contained within it, including but not limited to text, software code, layout and presentation are the property of Larry Blumenthal a.k.a. David Blue (herein referred to as "Webmaster"), and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. This site is designed to be an online resource for fans of Tracy Bonham. Any other use, including reproduction and re-display are, in absence of written permission, prohibited.

Any materials submitted for publication the Tracy Bonham Web Directory by others, whether via e-mail, web upload, or other means, are assumed to be in the public domain or reproducible with appropriate credits left intact. Any materials that we do not own and you do, we will be happy to either (a) credit appropriately or (b) remove.


This website is provided "As-Is" with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, with respect to its usefulness, completeness, or accuracy. By accessing the information on this site, you agree to assume full responsibility for the legal consequences of using that information. The Webmaster shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained on this website, and reserves the right to limit or discontinue the services of this site at any time.

Likewise, the Tracy Bonham Web Directory accepts no responsibility for the content on external websites linked from this page. The links are provided "As-Is" with no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the information provided within them.



If you e-mail the Tracy Bonham Web Directory, we will never knowingly sell your name or email address to others, nor will we disclose such information to others unless you ask us to (unless required to by law.) If you e-mail us, however, we may send you reply e-mail of our own, including replies to your questions and comments, or updates about what's new on the Tracy Bonham Web Directory website.

Note: If you click on advertising banners or links within the Tracy Bonham Web Directory, the click may take you off the Tracy Bonham Web Directory website, to external websites which are not controlled by us. These other websites might collect personal information and/or use it in ways different than we do. To be sure, you should review the Privacy Policy of these other websites.



This site is created and controlled by Larry Blumenthal a.k.a. David Blue in the State of California, USA. As such, the laws of the State of California will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. I reserve the right to make changes to this site and these disclaimers, terms and conditions at any time.

This page last updated on: Saturday, December 22, 2007